Hamilton Steel


Re: Hamilton Steel

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 12:42 pm
Guest wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 11:19 am I have a RANT

Let me start by saying that I am not from Hamilton nor has my kid ever played in Hamilton. He's not even in the age group that seems to be the focus of the 1700 + replies to this thread. Although I have to say in the spirit of competition I have enjoyed watching his team consistently run over the Steel team in his age group over the years. But that's all there is to it. Kids playing playing the sport they love in a competitive environment with other kids. No abject hatred against them or what seems to be hatred against teammates. Jesus HAMILTON, you are perpetuating the stereotype that every other team and parent thinks of you already!

This thread is absolutely disgusting. These are children, and if you are talking about U11's primarily then they are young children. Coming from a parent who's kid is a few years older then U11 I can say with quite a bit of confidence that things can and will drastically change over the next several years. I have seen and personally known players that were lights out top tier players at U10/U11, who are now not even a blip on any radar no matter how good they once were. Some are 3rd line players on the bubble, and others have dropped to AA and A. Some have quit the game altogether to focus on other things as they got older. Only a few, and a do mean a very few have managed to keep developing and growing into true AAA players coming into and out of their draft year. This is not a knock on any kid whatsoever. As they all get older their priorities and interests change and often enough those interests do not fall in the line with the PARENTS dreams and wishes.

So here is a word of advice from a parent who has gone through it....Just STFU and enjoy the game for what it is. A game....a shared interest with your son. Quality time spent in the car driving to games, practices and tournaments. Because eventually that one thing that you are both passionate about could change and the next thing you know there won't be this "THING" that you do together. They will be off with their friends hanging out doing what they want and have no time or desire to listen to your lectures about how the should have played better, or skated faster, hit harder. You are doing yourself and your kid no favors by being like this. Not only will your kids start to see through your BS, they will grow tired of if and start to pull away. Not to mention the countless kids I see get lost in the political system that is organized minor hockey. PARENT CUTS...ever heard of them...it happens ALL THE TIME! Once your kid starts to level out with the other kids in the league and is no longer the McJesus of his age group, you better hope his skill justifies keeping YOUR drama around, otherwise they will be on the outside looking in at kids that are coachable and work hard for every minute of ice time, and parents that are there as a means of support NOT INFLUENCE!

Now I know that after I press post on this reply there will be so many of you that say that I am only on this soapbox because my kid wasn't good enough and didn't cut it. Not true...he did cut it. He is in the upper echelons of players his age. He was one of the very few that made it, and he did it without his parents playing politics, spewing crap about other players anonymously. He made it solely on his hard work and dedication with his parents behind him supporting him in his dream...NOT OURS.

So everyone needs to take a step back...stop being such amazing assholes to everyone and everything. Your opinion means absolutely nothing to nobody. Let these kids play and have fun. The serious shit won't kick in for 5 more years, and if by then your kid is still in the discussion of "MAKING IT"... then you can look back and be a proud parent that didn't walk over another child to make your dreams come true.
Hey Jerk, your kid playing for the Kitty B's doesn't count as "making it". You piece of shit.
Last good player to come out of Hamilton was Dave Andreychuk!
Jesus Christ..You ignorant Not Allowed heads have been sniffing the fumes from Stelco for far too long...It has seriously damaged your ability to even read.

First off and immediately I said I was not from Hamilton...Did not come out of Hamilton and No my kid doesn't play for the Kilty B's...I would rather he retire to beer league before he set foot in that shit show of a hockey organization. I honestly couldn't give a rats ass if you guys tear each other limb from limb...its what i expect from Hamilton Hockey Parents. Although I will admit to taking some enjoyment out of reading this thread and watching you primitive excuse for human beings implode on each other like you are fighting over the last bit of food. Its like a car wreck, hard to avert your eyes sometimes. However THESE KIDS ARE UNDER 11 YEARS OLD!....If you said or did any of the shit you spew on here in real life you would be charged, your kids taken away from you....I simply realized that I could offer a bit of hindsight to those who have not experienced it yet, and maybe offer a bit of help or kind word of advice.

So I will make anyone of you a deal....6 years from now....(This Hamilton Steel Hate Thread will more than likely be still going strong at that point im sure) This is when your kids hockey and skill will actually mean something...
If you can prove to me that your current U11 Hamilton Steel Kid, with your toxic "Hockey Dad" parenting style has "made it" anywhere, then I will gladly share my identity and we can compare our kids accomplishments

Until then STFU and continue to drink your Hamilton Steel Kool Aid...or more accurate...hangout at Jacksons Square and smoke your Hamilton Bay Meth

Re: Hamilton Steel

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 11:19 am I have a RANT

Let me start by saying that I am not from Hamilton nor has my kid ever played in Hamilton. He's not even in the age group that seems to be the focus of the 1700 + replies to this thread. Although I have to say in the spirit of competition I have enjoyed watching his team consistently run over the Steel team in his age group over the years. But that's all there is to it. Kids playing playing the sport they love in a competitive environment with other kids. No abject hatred against them or what seems to be hatred against teammates. Jesus HAMILTON, you are perpetuating the stereotype that every other team and parent thinks of you already!

This thread is absolutely disgusting. These are children, and if you are talking about U11's primarily then they are young children. Coming from a parent who's kid is a few years older then U11 I can say with quite a bit of confidence that things can and will drastically change over the next several years. I have seen and personally known players that were lights out top tier players at U10/U11, who are now not even a blip on any radar no matter how good they once were. Some are 3rd line players on the bubble, and others have dropped to AA and A. Some have quit the game altogether to focus on other things as they got older. Only a few, and a do mean a very few have managed to keep developing and growing into true AAA players coming into and out of their draft year. This is not a knock on any kid whatsoever. As they all get older their priorities and interests change and often enough those interests do not fall in the line with the PARENTS dreams and wishes.

So here is a word of advice from a parent who has gone through it....Just STFU and enjoy the game for what it is. A game....a shared interest with your son. Quality time spent in the car driving to games, practices and tournaments. Because eventually that one thing that you are both passionate about could change and the next thing you know there won't be this "THING" that you do together. They will be off with their friends hanging out doing what they want and have no time or desire to listen to your lectures about how the should have played better, or skated faster, hit harder. You are doing yourself and your kid no favors by being like this. Not only will your kids start to see through your BS, they will grow tired of if and start to pull away. Not to mention the countless kids I see get lost in the political system that is organized minor hockey. PARENT CUTS...ever heard of them...it happens ALL THE TIME! Once your kid starts to level out with the other kids in the league and is no longer the McJesus of his age group, you better hope his skill justifies keeping YOUR drama around, otherwise they will be on the outside looking in at kids that are coachable and work hard for every minute of ice time, and parents that are there as a means of support NOT INFLUENCE!

Now I know that after I press post on this reply there will be so many of you that say that I am only on this soapbox because my kid wasn't good enough and didn't cut it. Not true...he did cut it. He is in the upper echelons of players his age. He was one of the very few that made it, and he did it without his parents playing politics, spewing crap about other players anonymously. He made it solely on his hard work and dedication with his parents behind him supporting him in his dream...NOT OURS.

So everyone needs to take a step back...stop being such amazing assholes to everyone and everything. Your opinion means absolutely nothing to nobody. Let these kids play and have fun. The serious shit won't kick in for 5 more years, and if by then your kid is still in the discussion of "MAKING IT"... then you can look back and be a proud parent that didn't walk over another child to make your dreams come true.

A lot of words for nothing, if you’re not from Hamilton you must be a loser following Steel talks. It’s ok though enjoy the time wishing your kid was in AAA and not playing select at Dofasco. I heard they have a Port Stanley minor hockey talks, but I guess you are probably following them also.

Enjoy houseleague, it’s ok AF will be there in a couple years with that muffin shot.

Re: Hamilton Steel

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 1:14 pm
Guest wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 12:42 pm
Guest wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 11:19 am I have a RANT

Let me start by saying that I am not from Hamilton nor has my kid ever played in Hamilton. He's not even in the age group that seems to be the focus of the 1700 + replies to this thread. Although I have to say in the spirit of competition I have enjoyed watching his team consistently run over the Steel team in his age group over the years. But that's all there is to it. Kids playing playing the sport they love in a competitive environment with other kids. No abject hatred against them or what seems to be hatred against teammates. Jesus HAMILTON, you are perpetuating the stereotype that every other team and parent thinks of you already!

This thread is absolutely disgusting. These are children, and if you are talking about U11's primarily then they are young children. Coming from a parent who's kid is a few years older then U11 I can say with quite a bit of confidence that things can and will drastically change over the next several years. I have seen and personally known players that were lights out top tier players at U10/U11, who are now not even a blip on any radar no matter how good they once were. Some are 3rd line players on the bubble, and others have dropped to AA and A. Some have quit the game altogether to focus on other things as they got older. Only a few, and a do mean a very few have managed to keep developing and growing into true AAA players coming into and out of their draft year. This is not a knock on any kid whatsoever. As they all get older their priorities and interests change and often enough those interests do not fall in the line with the PARENTS dreams and wishes.

So here is a word of advice from a parent who has gone through it....Just STFU and enjoy the game for what it is. A game....a shared interest with your son. Quality time spent in the car driving to games, practices and tournaments. Because eventually that one thing that you are both passionate about could change and the next thing you know there won't be this "THING" that you do together. They will be off with their friends hanging out doing what they want and have no time or desire to listen to your lectures about how the should have played better, or skated faster, hit harder. You are doing yourself and your kid no favors by being like this. Not only will your kids start to see through your BS, they will grow tired of if and start to pull away. Not to mention the countless kids I see get lost in the political system that is organized minor hockey. PARENT CUTS...ever heard of them...it happens ALL THE TIME! Once your kid starts to level out with the other kids in the league and is no longer the McJesus of his age group, you better hope his skill justifies keeping YOUR drama around, otherwise they will be on the outside looking in at kids that are coachable and work hard for every minute of ice time, and parents that are there as a means of support NOT INFLUENCE!

Now I know that after I press post on this reply there will be so many of you that say that I am only on this soapbox because my kid wasn't good enough and didn't cut it. Not true...he did cut it. He is in the upper echelons of players his age. He was one of the very few that made it, and he did it without his parents playing politics, spewing crap about other players anonymously. He made it solely on his hard work and dedication with his parents behind him supporting him in his dream...NOT OURS.

So everyone needs to take a step back...stop being such amazing assholes to everyone and everything. Your opinion means absolutely nothing to nobody. Let these kids play and have fun. The serious shit won't kick in for 5 more years, and if by then your kid is still in the discussion of "MAKING IT"... then you can look back and be a proud parent that didn't walk over another child to make your dreams come true.
Hey Jerk, your kid playing for the Kitty B's doesn't count as "making it". You piece of shit.
Last good player to come out of Hamilton was Dave Andreychuk!
Jesus Christ..You ignorant Not Allowed heads have been sniffing the fumes from Stelco for far too long...It has seriously damaged your ability to even read.

First off and immediately I said I was not from Hamilton...Did not come out of Hamilton and No my kid doesn't play for the Kilty B's...I would rather he retire to beer league before he set foot in that shit show of a hockey organization. I honestly couldn't give a rats ass if you guys tear each other limb from limb...its what i expect from Hamilton Hockey Parents. Although I will admit to taking some enjoyment out of reading this thread and watching you primitive excuse for human beings implode on each other like you are fighting over the last bit of food. Its like a car wreck, hard to avert your eyes sometimes. However THESE KIDS ARE UNDER 11 YEARS OLD!....If you said or did any of the shit you spew on here in real life you would be charged, your kids taken away from you....I simply realized that I could offer a bit of hindsight to those who have not experienced it yet, and maybe offer a bit of help or kind word of advice.

So I will make anyone of you a deal....6 years from now....(This Hamilton Steel Hate Thread will more than likely be still going strong at that point im sure) This is when your kids hockey and skill will actually mean something...
If you can prove to me that your current U11 Hamilton Steel Kid, with your toxic "Hockey Dad" parenting style has "made it" anywhere, then I will gladly share my identity and we can compare our kids accomplishments

Until then STFU and continue to drink your Hamilton Steel Kool Aid...or more accurate...hangout at Jacksons Square and smoke your Hamilton Bay Meth
Another disgruntled parent cut. Go enjoy A or Select

Re: Hamilton Steel

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 1:14 pm
Guest wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 12:42 pm
Guest wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 11:19 am I have a RANT

Let me start by saying that I am not from Hamilton nor has my kid ever played in Hamilton. He's not even in the age group that seems to be the focus of the 1700 + replies to this thread. Although I have to say in the spirit of competition I have enjoyed watching his team consistently run over the Steel team in his age group over the years. But that's all there is to it. Kids playing playing the sport they love in a competitive environment with other kids. No abject hatred against them or what seems to be hatred against teammates. Jesus HAMILTON, you are perpetuating the stereotype that every other team and parent thinks of you already!

This thread is absolutely disgusting. These are children, and if you are talking about U11's primarily then they are young children. Coming from a parent who's kid is a few years older then U11 I can say with quite a bit of confidence that things can and will drastically change over the next several years. I have seen and personally known players that were lights out top tier players at U10/U11, who are now not even a blip on any radar no matter how good they once were. Some are 3rd line players on the bubble, and others have dropped to AA and A. Some have quit the game altogether to focus on other things as they got older. Only a few, and a do mean a very few have managed to keep developing and growing into true AAA players coming into and out of their draft year. This is not a knock on any kid whatsoever. As they all get older their priorities and interests change and often enough those interests do not fall in the line with the PARENTS dreams and wishes.

So here is a word of advice from a parent who has gone through it....Just STFU and enjoy the game for what it is. A game....a shared interest with your son. Quality time spent in the car driving to games, practices and tournaments. Because eventually that one thing that you are both passionate about could change and the next thing you know there won't be this "THING" that you do together. They will be off with their friends hanging out doing what they want and have no time or desire to listen to your lectures about how the should have played better, or skated faster, hit harder. You are doing yourself and your kid no favors by being like this. Not only will your kids start to see through your BS, they will grow tired of if and start to pull away. Not to mention the countless kids I see get lost in the political system that is organized minor hockey. PARENT CUTS...ever heard of them...it happens ALL THE TIME! Once your kid starts to level out with the other kids in the league and is no longer the McJesus of his age group, you better hope his skill justifies keeping YOUR drama around, otherwise they will be on the outside looking in at kids that are coachable and work hard for every minute of ice time, and parents that are there as a means of support NOT INFLUENCE!

Now I know that after I press post on this reply there will be so many of you that say that I am only on this soapbox because my kid wasn't good enough and didn't cut it. Not true...he did cut it. He is in the upper echelons of players his age. He was one of the very few that made it, and he did it without his parents playing politics, spewing crap about other players anonymously. He made it solely on his hard work and dedication with his parents behind him supporting him in his dream...NOT OURS.

So everyone needs to take a step back...stop being such amazing assholes to everyone and everything. Your opinion means absolutely nothing to nobody. Let these kids play and have fun. The serious shit won't kick in for 5 more years, and if by then your kid is still in the discussion of "MAKING IT"... then you can look back and be a proud parent that didn't walk over another child to make your dreams come true.
Hey Jerk, your kid playing for the Kitty B's doesn't count as "making it". You piece of shit.
Last good player to come out of Hamilton was Dave Andreychuk!
Jesus Christ..You ignorant Not Allowed heads have been sniffing the fumes from Stelco for far too long...It has seriously damaged your ability to even read.

First off and immediately I said I was not from Hamilton...Did not come out of Hamilton and No my kid doesn't play for the Kilty B's...I would rather he retire to beer league before he set foot in that shit show of a hockey organization. I honestly couldn't give a rats ass if you guys tear each other limb from limb...its what i expect from Hamilton Hockey Parents. Although I will admit to taking some enjoyment out of reading this thread and watching you primitive excuse for human beings implode on each other like you are fighting over the last bit of food. Its like a car wreck, hard to avert your eyes sometimes. However THESE KIDS ARE UNDER 11 YEARS OLD!....If you said or did any of the shit you spew on here in real life you would be charged, your kids taken away from you....I simply realized that I could offer a bit of hindsight to those who have not experienced it yet, and maybe offer a bit of help or kind word of advice.

So I will make anyone of you a deal....6 years from now....(This Hamilton Steel Hate Thread will more than likely be still going strong at that point im sure) This is when your kids hockey and skill will actually mean something...
If you can prove to me that your current U11 Hamilton Steel Kid, with your toxic "Hockey Dad" parenting style has "made it" anywhere, then I will gladly share my identity and we can compare our kids accomplishments

Until then STFU and continue to drink your Hamilton Steel Kool Aid...or more accurate...hangout at Jacksons Square and smoke your Hamilton Bay Meth

You're a total loser who hasn't accomplished anything in life and your lies about your kid are easy to see through. I see now that saying he played for the Kilty B's was too flattering lmao!
If you aint from Hamilton then why spend so much time and energy reading and posting on here? I think you just like the little kiddy's don't you!
BUUUUUURRRRNNNN! You Lose You Sick Shit Stain!

Re: Hamilton Steel

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 2:40 pm
Guest wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 1:14 pm
Guest wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 12:42 pm
Guest wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 11:19 am I have a RANT

Let me start by saying that I am not from Hamilton nor has my kid ever played in Hamilton. He's not even in the age group that seems to be the focus of the 1700 + replies to this thread. Although I have to say in the spirit of competition I have enjoyed watching his team consistently run over the Steel team in his age group over the years. But that's all there is to it. Kids playing playing the sport they love in a competitive environment with other kids. No abject hatred against them or what seems to be hatred against teammates. Jesus HAMILTON, you are perpetuating the stereotype that every other team and parent thinks of you already!

This thread is absolutely disgusting. These are children, and if you are talking about U11's primarily then they are young children. Coming from a parent who's kid is a few years older then U11 I can say with quite a bit of confidence that things can and will drastically change over the next several years. I have seen and personally known players that were lights out top tier players at U10/U11, who are now not even a blip on any radar no matter how good they once were. Some are 3rd line players on the bubble, and others have dropped to AA and A. Some have quit the game altogether to focus on other things as they got older. Only a few, and a do mean a very few have managed to keep developing and growing into true AAA players coming into and out of their draft year. This is not a knock on any kid whatsoever. As they all get older their priorities and interests change and often enough those interests do not fall in the line with the PARENTS dreams and wishes.

So here is a word of advice from a parent who has gone through it....Just STFU and enjoy the game for what it is. A game....a shared interest with your son. Quality time spent in the car driving to games, practices and tournaments. Because eventually that one thing that you are both passionate about could change and the next thing you know there won't be this "THING" that you do together. They will be off with their friends hanging out doing what they want and have no time or desire to listen to your lectures about how the should have played better, or skated faster, hit harder. You are doing yourself and your kid no favors by being like this. Not only will your kids start to see through your BS, they will grow tired of if and start to pull away. Not to mention the countless kids I see get lost in the political system that is organized minor hockey. PARENT CUTS...ever heard of them...it happens ALL THE TIME! Once your kid starts to level out with the other kids in the league and is no longer the McJesus of his age group, you better hope his skill justifies keeping YOUR drama around, otherwise they will be on the outside looking in at kids that are coachable and work hard for every minute of ice time, and parents that are there as a means of support NOT INFLUENCE!

Now I know that after I press post on this reply there will be so many of you that say that I am only on this soapbox because my kid wasn't good enough and didn't cut it. Not true...he did cut it. He is in the upper echelons of players his age. He was one of the very few that made it, and he did it without his parents playing politics, spewing crap about other players anonymously. He made it solely on his hard work and dedication with his parents behind him supporting him in his dream...NOT OURS.

So everyone needs to take a step back...stop being such amazing assholes to everyone and everything. Your opinion means absolutely nothing to nobody. Let these kids play and have fun. The serious shit won't kick in for 5 more years, and if by then your kid is still in the discussion of "MAKING IT"... then you can look back and be a proud parent that didn't walk over another child to make your dreams come true.
Hey Jerk, your kid playing for the Kitty B's doesn't count as "making it". You piece of shit.
Last good player to come out of Hamilton was Dave Andreychuk!
Jesus Christ..You ignorant Not Allowed heads have been sniffing the fumes from Stelco for far too long...It has seriously damaged your ability to even read.

First off and immediately I said I was not from Hamilton...Did not come out of Hamilton and No my kid doesn't play for the Kilty B's...I would rather he retire to beer league before he set foot in that shit show of a hockey organization. I honestly couldn't give a rats ass if you guys tear each other limb from limb...its what i expect from Hamilton Hockey Parents. Although I will admit to taking some enjoyment out of reading this thread and watching you primitive excuse for human beings implode on each other like you are fighting over the last bit of food. Its like a car wreck, hard to avert your eyes sometimes. However THESE KIDS ARE UNDER 11 YEARS OLD!....If you said or did any of the shit you spew on here in real life you would be charged, your kids taken away from you....I simply realized that I could offer a bit of hindsight to those who have not experienced it yet, and maybe offer a bit of help or kind word of advice.

So I will make anyone of you a deal....6 years from now....(This Hamilton Steel Hate Thread will more than likely be still going strong at that point im sure) This is when your kids hockey and skill will actually mean something...
If you can prove to me that your current U11 Hamilton Steel Kid, with your toxic "Hockey Dad" parenting style has "made it" anywhere, then I will gladly share my identity and we can compare our kids accomplishments

Until then STFU and continue to drink your Hamilton Steel Kool Aid...or more accurate...hangout at Jacksons Square and smoke your Hamilton Bay Meth
Another disgruntled parent cut. Go enjoy A or Select
Parent cut or dirty grampa but 100% Jerk off that's for sure

Re: Hamilton Steel

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 11:19 am I have a RANT

Let me start by saying that I am not from Hamilton nor has my kid ever played in Hamilton. He's not even in the age group that seems to be the focus of the 1700 + replies to this thread. Although I have to say in the spirit of competition I have enjoyed watching his team consistently run over the Steel team in his age group over the years. But that's all there is to it. Kids playing playing the sport they love in a competitive environment with other kids. No abject hatred against them or what seems to be hatred against teammates. Jesus HAMILTON, you are perpetuating the stereotype that every other team and parent thinks of you already!

This thread is absolutely disgusting. These are children, and if you are talking about U11's primarily then they are young children. Coming from a parent who's kid is a few years older then U11 I can say with quite a bit of confidence that things can and will drastically change over the next several years. I have seen and personally known players that were lights out top tier players at U10/U11, who are now not even a blip on any radar no matter how good they once were. Some are 3rd line players on the bubble, and others have dropped to AA and A. Some have quit the game altogether to focus on other things as they got older. Only a few, and a do mean a very few have managed to keep developing and growing into true AAA players coming into and out of their draft year. This is not a knock on any kid whatsoever. As they all get older their priorities and interests change and often enough those interests do not fall in the line with the PARENTS dreams and wishes.

So here is a word of advice from a parent who has gone through it....Just STFU and enjoy the game for what it is. A game....a shared interest with your son. Quality time spent in the car driving to games, practices and tournaments. Because eventually that one thing that you are both passionate about could change and the next thing you know there won't be this "THING" that you do together. They will be off with their friends hanging out doing what they want and have no time or desire to listen to your lectures about how the should have played better, or skated faster, hit harder. You are doing yourself and your kid no favors by being like this. Not only will your kids start to see through your BS, they will grow tired of if and start to pull away. Not to mention the countless kids I see get lost in the political system that is organized minor hockey. PARENT CUTS...ever heard of them...it happens ALL THE TIME! Once your kid starts to level out with the other kids in the league and is no longer the McJesus of his age group, you better hope his skill justifies keeping YOUR drama around, otherwise they will be on the outside looking in at kids that are coachable and work hard for every minute of ice time, and parents that are there as a means of support NOT INFLUENCE!

Now I know that after I press post on this reply there will be so many of you that say that I am only on this soapbox because my kid wasn't good enough and didn't cut it. Not true...he did cut it. He is in the upper echelons of players his age. He was one of the very few that made it, and he did it without his parents playing politics, spewing crap about other players anonymously. He made it solely on his hard work and dedication with his parents behind him supporting him in his dream...NOT OURS.

So everyone needs to take a step back...stop being such amazing assholes to everyone and everything. Your opinion means absolutely nothing to nobody. Let these kids play and have fun. The serious shit won't kick in for 5 more years, and if by then your kid is still in the discussion of "MAKING IT"... then you can look back and be a proud parent that didn't walk over another child to make your dreams come true.
I agree with everything that you have said. There are a lot of amazing parents in this age group but sadly there are more jealous, petty parents that secretly hate when someone else’s child does well. Many of the posts on here are from Steel parents but there are also many from jealous parents that their kids were cut by the Steel. There are also lots of positive posts from this parent group, let us not group everyone in the same category.

Adding to the Rant!
Please people, move on. The writer could not be more bang on when they say that the real hockey starts in a few years. Enjoy the time you have with your kids as it is already starting to change with them. The sweet innocent years are almost gone, soon they will not need you. They certainly do not need you to bully other people’s children or parents. The people that are doing that are losers, they know it, and everyone knows who you are. Please stop, you are embarrassing yourself. Stop harassing the Steel parents and the parents that are off the team. Didn’t your parents teach you anything? Is this the type of behavior that you want to see from your child someday? I would be ashamed if I ever caught my children writing hateful, disgusting things about others on some anonymous website. I would wonder to myself; how did I create this loser? I would have to take a hard look in the mirror and ask myself do they get this loser behavior from me? If I were a man, I would question my ability to perform as a man. We get it, you were a loser in high school, you were always on the outside looking in. You were jealous then and now you are jealous of those that have more ability than your child. Guess what, that’s life! Your kid may get better as the writer said, the real hockey starts in a few years. Give your kid some time but please for the love of God, STFU and stop pretending you are other people writing bogus threads about Steel parents. Be happy for this group of kids. This is an exceptional group of children as they showed it last year with four big tournament wins-including the Red Hats! This team with WC and LA is going to be amazing! Root for them, do not wish them to lose as that is negative energy that will hurt you eventually. Please for your sake and your children’s sake, let go of the poison. Imagine if you ever are found out, the shame you would feel would be beyond words. It would follow you for the rest of your life and your children’s sporting life. Your reputation would be ruined, and you would lose your job as a result. There are lot of people with major resources that are hockey parents that are actively trying to find who the losers are that are posting the trash (especially you). At some point, you will be found out and exposed. The more you write, the more chance you have of being discovered. If you are smart, you will put your keyboard away and just let your kid play at whatever level he is at. You think it is fun to stir the pot every so often to create this crazy back and forth, but you are seriously running the risk of being caught. Is it worth it?
We will find you.

Re: Hamilton Steel

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 4:02 pm
Guest wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 11:19 am I have a RANT

Let me start by saying that I am not from Hamilton nor has my kid ever played in Hamilton. He's not even in the age group that seems to be the focus of the 1700 + replies to this thread. Although I have to say in the spirit of competition I have enjoyed watching his team consistently run over the Steel team in his age group over the years. But that's all there is to it. Kids playing playing the sport they love in a competitive environment with other kids. No abject hatred against them or what seems to be hatred against teammates. Jesus HAMILTON, you are perpetuating the stereotype that every other team and parent thinks of you already!

This thread is absolutely disgusting. These are children, and if you are talking about U11's primarily then they are young children. Coming from a parent who's kid is a few years older then U11 I can say with quite a bit of confidence that things can and will drastically change over the next several years. I have seen and personally known players that were lights out top tier players at U10/U11, who are now not even a blip on any radar no matter how good they once were. Some are 3rd line players on the bubble, and others have dropped to AA and A. Some have quit the game altogether to focus on other things as they got older. Only a few, and a do mean a very few have managed to keep developing and growing into true AAA players coming into and out of their draft year. This is not a knock on any kid whatsoever. As they all get older their priorities and interests change and often enough those interests do not fall in the line with the PARENTS dreams and wishes.

So here is a word of advice from a parent who has gone through it....Just STFU and enjoy the game for what it is. A game....a shared interest with your son. Quality time spent in the car driving to games, practices and tournaments. Because eventually that one thing that you are both passionate about could change and the next thing you know there won't be this "THING" that you do together. They will be off with their friends hanging out doing what they want and have no time or desire to listen to your lectures about how the should have played better, or skated faster, hit harder. You are doing yourself and your kid no favors by being like this. Not only will your kids start to see through your BS, they will grow tired of if and start to pull away. Not to mention the countless kids I see get lost in the political system that is organized minor hockey. PARENT CUTS...ever heard of them...it happens ALL THE TIME! Once your kid starts to level out with the other kids in the league and is no longer the McJesus of his age group, you better hope his skill justifies keeping YOUR drama around, otherwise they will be on the outside looking in at kids that are coachable and work hard for every minute of ice time, and parents that are there as a means of support NOT INFLUENCE!

Now I know that after I press post on this reply there will be so many of you that say that I am only on this soapbox because my kid wasn't good enough and didn't cut it. Not true...he did cut it. He is in the upper echelons of players his age. He was one of the very few that made it, and he did it without his parents playing politics, spewing crap about other players anonymously. He made it solely on his hard work and dedication with his parents behind him supporting him in his dream...NOT OURS.

So everyone needs to take a step back...stop being such amazing assholes to everyone and everything. Your opinion means absolutely nothing to nobody. Let these kids play and have fun. The serious shit won't kick in for 5 more years, and if by then your kid is still in the discussion of "MAKING IT"... then you can look back and be a proud parent that didn't walk over another child to make your dreams come true.
I agree with everything that you have said. There are a lot of amazing parents in this age group but sadly there are more jealous, petty parents that secretly hate when someone else’s child does well. Many of the posts on here are from Steel parents but there are also many from jealous parents that their kids were cut by the Steel. There are also lots of positive posts from this parent group, let us not group everyone in the same category.

Adding to the Rant!
Please people, move on. The writer could not be more bang on when they say that the real hockey starts in a few years. Enjoy the time you have with your kids as it is already starting to change with them. The sweet innocent years are almost gone, soon they will not need you. They certainly do not need you to bully other people’s children or parents. The people that are doing that are losers, they know it, and everyone knows who you are. Please stop, you are embarrassing yourself. Stop harassing the Steel parents and the parents that are off the team. Didn’t your parents teach you anything? Is this the type of behavior that you want to see from your child someday? I would be ashamed if I ever caught my children writing hateful, disgusting things about others on some anonymous website. I would wonder to myself; how did I create this loser? I would have to take a hard look in the mirror and ask myself do they get this loser behavior from me? If I were a man, I would question my ability to perform as a man. We get it, you were a loser in high school, you were always on the outside looking in. You were jealous then and now you are jealous of those that have more ability than your child. Guess what, that’s life! Your kid may get better as the writer said, the real hockey starts in a few years. Give your kid some time but please for the love of God, STFU and stop pretending you are other people writing bogus threads about Steel parents. Be happy for this group of kids. This is an exceptional group of children as they showed it last year with four big tournament wins-including the Red Hats! This team with WC and LA is going to be amazing! Root for them, do not wish them to lose as that is negative energy that will hurt you eventually. Please for your sake and your children’s sake, let go of the poison. Imagine if you ever are found out, the shame you would feel would be beyond words. It would follow you for the rest of your life and your children’s sporting life. Your reputation would be ruined, and you would lose your job as a result. There are lot of people with major resources that are hockey parents that are actively trying to find who the losers are that are posting the trash (especially you). At some point, you will be found out and exposed. The more you write, the more chance you have of being discovered. If you are smart, you will put your keyboard away and just let your kid play at whatever level he is at. You think it is fun to stir the pot every so often to create this crazy back and forth, but you are seriously running the risk of being caught. Is it worth it?
We will find you.
Well we’ve already found you RF as the one writing this crap and have asked you to stop several times. Your kid sucks at hockey and you have no credibility. Piss Off and stop embarrassing the organization with your stupid novels

Re: Hamilton Steel

Post by Guest »

Guest wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 4:09 pm
Guest wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 4:02 pm
Guest wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 11:19 am I have a RANT

Let me start by saying that I am not from Hamilton nor has my kid ever played in Hamilton. He's not even in the age group that seems to be the focus of the 1700 + replies to this thread. Although I have to say in the spirit of competition I have enjoyed watching his team consistently run over the Steel team in his age group over the years. But that's all there is to it. Kids playing playing the sport they love in a competitive environment with other kids. No abject hatred against them or what seems to be hatred against teammates. Jesus HAMILTON, you are perpetuating the stereotype that every other team and parent thinks of you already!

This thread is absolutely disgusting. These are children, and if you are talking about U11's primarily then they are young children. Coming from a parent who's kid is a few years older then U11 I can say with quite a bit of confidence that things can and will drastically change over the next several years. I have seen and personally known players that were lights out top tier players at U10/U11, who are now not even a blip on any radar no matter how good they once were. Some are 3rd line players on the bubble, and others have dropped to AA and A. Some have quit the game altogether to focus on other things as they got older. Only a few, and a do mean a very few have managed to keep developing and growing into true AAA players coming into and out of their draft year. This is not a knock on any kid whatsoever. As they all get older their priorities and interests change and often enough those interests do not fall in the line with the PARENTS dreams and wishes.

So here is a word of advice from a parent who has gone through it....Just STFU and enjoy the game for what it is. A game....a shared interest with your son. Quality time spent in the car driving to games, practices and tournaments. Because eventually that one thing that you are both passionate about could change and the next thing you know there won't be this "THING" that you do together. They will be off with their friends hanging out doing what they want and have no time or desire to listen to your lectures about how the should have played better, or skated faster, hit harder. You are doing yourself and your kid no favors by being like this. Not only will your kids start to see through your BS, they will grow tired of if and start to pull away. Not to mention the countless kids I see get lost in the political system that is organized minor hockey. PARENT CUTS...ever heard of them...it happens ALL THE TIME! Once your kid starts to level out with the other kids in the league and is no longer the McJesus of his age group, you better hope his skill justifies keeping YOUR drama around, otherwise they will be on the outside looking in at kids that are coachable and work hard for every minute of ice time, and parents that are there as a means of support NOT INFLUENCE!

Now I know that after I press post on this reply there will be so many of you that say that I am only on this soapbox because my kid wasn't good enough and didn't cut it. Not true...he did cut it. He is in the upper echelons of players his age. He was one of the very few that made it, and he did it without his parents playing politics, spewing crap about other players anonymously. He made it solely on his hard work and dedication with his parents behind him supporting him in his dream...NOT OURS.

So everyone needs to take a step back...stop being such amazing assholes to everyone and everything. Your opinion means absolutely nothing to nobody. Let these kids play and have fun. The serious shit won't kick in for 5 more years, and if by then your kid is still in the discussion of "MAKING IT"... then you can look back and be a proud parent that didn't walk over another child to make your dreams come true.
I agree with everything that you have said. There are a lot of amazing parents in this age group but sadly there are more jealous, petty parents that secretly hate when someone else’s child does well. Many of the posts on here are from Steel parents but there are also many from jealous parents that their kids were cut by the Steel. There are also lots of positive posts from this parent group, let us not group everyone in the same category.

Adding to the Rant!
Please people, move on. The writer could not be more bang on when they say that the real hockey starts in a few years. Enjoy the time you have with your kids as it is already starting to change with them. The sweet innocent years are almost gone, soon they will not need you. They certainly do not need you to bully other people’s children or parents. The people that are doing that are losers, they know it, and everyone knows who you are. Please stop, you are embarrassing yourself. Stop harassing the Steel parents and the parents that are off the team. Didn’t your parents teach you anything? Is this the type of behavior that you want to see from your child someday? I would be ashamed if I ever caught my children writing hateful, disgusting things about others on some anonymous website. I would wonder to myself; how did I create this loser? I would have to take a hard look in the mirror and ask myself do they get this loser behavior from me? If I were a man, I would question my ability to perform as a man. We get it, you were a loser in high school, you were always on the outside looking in. You were jealous then and now you are jealous of those that have more ability than your child. Guess what, that’s life! Your kid may get better as the writer said, the real hockey starts in a few years. Give your kid some time but please for the love of God, STFU and stop pretending you are other people writing bogus threads about Steel parents. Be happy for this group of kids. This is an exceptional group of children as they showed it last year with four big tournament wins-including the Red Hats! This team with WC and LA is going to be amazing! Root for them, do not wish them to lose as that is negative energy that will hurt you eventually. Please for your sake and your children’s sake, let go of the poison. Imagine if you ever are found out, the shame you would feel would be beyond words. It would follow you for the rest of your life and your children’s sporting life. Your reputation would be ruined, and you would lose your job as a result. There are lot of people with major resources that are hockey parents that are actively trying to find who the losers are that are posting the trash (especially you). At some point, you will be found out and exposed. The more you write, the more chance you have of being discovered. If you are smart, you will put your keyboard away and just let your kid play at whatever level he is at. You think it is fun to stir the pot every so often to create this crazy back and forth, but you are seriously running the risk of being caught. Is it worth it?
We will find you.

Stop typing to yourself you fat loser in between wank sessions with your latest edition of kiddy c*ck magazine! You sick disgusting freak
Disgusting loser!

Re: Hamilton Steel

Post by Guest »

Our U11 team had 4 tournament wins last year really?
Please let us know the best tournament they won and who the best GTHL team in the tournament was. I’d love to hear.

Re: Hamilton Steel

Post by Guest »

Bored at the end of the day so I started reading this board. Your team may suck but this is a very entertaining group of dads! Hopefully you tone down the language around the children though…
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